Friday, April 13, 2012

Each Day Gets a Little Easier

I am slowly progressing into my second trimester and things are becoming all too real. I can see my stomach beginning to stretch and my breast begin to round out more. The morning sickness is the worst, I never know when it will strike next and it leaves me exhausted. Through it all though my amazing, now husband, is there. He reassures me that I'm beautiful, strong and able to pull through this. The thought of having this baby while he is over seas terrifies me, and I wish I could share this amazing gift with him. He makes me feel good, though, and he makes me happy. Each day I fall in more love with my Baby Blevins. Some days it is still tough for me to wrap my brain around the fact that I am creating life, even as I sit here typing this. I feel... powerful (I believe that is the word I want). I just pray for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. I pray my husband comes home to me and the little one. Each day has gotten easier for me to handle. Each day makes it a little less scary. I know I'm not ready, but who really is? When my baby gets here though, I'm going to mother it the only way I know how and I'm hoping that will be enough.

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